happy non smokers faces in clouds

If you quit smoking:

  • You'll save lots of money
  • You'll be a good example for the children
  • Reduce the risk of cancers
  • This will contribute to improving the overall health and fitness
  • In pregnant women decreases the risk of miscarriage and damage to the health of unborn child
  • Increases the resistance of the flu, colds, etc.
  • Improve your sense of taste and smell

Why you should quit smoking?

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and diminishes a person's overall health. Millions of people have health problems caused by smoking.

Smoking is a leading cause of cancer and death from cancer. It causes cancers of the lung, oesophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.

Many smokers after hearing the list of diseases gives an example of a friend of my grandmother or grandfather who smoked and lived to see old age. Unfortunately, even if true, these are only exceptions, and the statistics show that smokers live shorter. The real victims of smoking are people's surroundings and passive smokers. The list of diseases mentioned above also applies to that group. In the case of children, the consequences can be particularly sad.

Smoking also adversely affects the potency and is unsightly. Teeth and nails become yellow color and the skin becomes dry and tired.

The effects of smoking during pregnancy on fetal development can be grievous. Particularly affected is the child's brain but the list of diseases and deviations caused by smoking during pregnancy is extensive.

And what about the costs of smoking? The average smoker spends on cigarettes from €180 to €250 per month. Cigarette prices in Ireland grow each year. If you smoked at least 10 years, you probably spent about €31,000 on cigarettes. Not to menton the cost of health care.

BUT IT'S NEVER too late to start a better nicotine free life


How many cigarettes
do you smoke per day:

What is the
price of a package (€):

How many years
do you smoke: